
The Burden of Misappropriated Values and Abuse of Our Commonwealth.

28 Feb, 2023 - By Ikenga Jonjude Okere

Take a pictorial excursion, serve yourself with the  beauty in planning and organized development abound in countries that have placed great values on their citizens with those citizen's reciprocating the gesture in patriotic service to their country. 
Listen to the sound of accountability, smell the beautiful fragrance of responsiveness, see development and stability in kinetic circles into a future programmed to succeed.

Now take your mind back home, sorry it has to be this but meet the heavy acidic pile of misappropriated values. A nation without a clear understanding of the importance of its citizenry and how much premium value the should attract. A craft of citizens who are disgruntled, dissatisfied of its leadership and now serve as small units of government to themselves on the basic facilities the government should have provided for them.

The deficiency of good and accountable leadership across board has robbed us the dividend of a nation with a government. The reckless misappropriation and embezzlement of our commonwealth by our leaders and the collaborative partnership by the civil service in the criminal diarrhea of abuse of our commonwealth. They term it in their heist "sharing the national cake" which emboldened them with the audacity to work void of accountability.

Let us for a while take them up with their term of sharing the national cake and see how balanced the sharing could be. This national cake is actually distributed between the political office holders and the people employed under the services of the government at varied percentage and sabotage for self gains. While the common man who is not a political office holder, appointee of the government or under the employed service of the government is cut of the equation on the sharing.

This is because what he was supposed to benefit as a citizen through basic amenities like good roads, good health care, good schools system, stable electricity and other developmental support system from the government through processes and services of the earlier mentioned are sabotage at different quarters either as a matter of misappropriation, embezzlement, cluelessness or negligence of duty. This means that unfortunately the national cake does not go round nationally.

There is a lot of developmental deficits and calculated negligence for self enrichment. Here is a nation crying to be rescued from deep claws of political scavengers. Here is a nation crippled by conscious  actions of disservice by few members of its citizens against majority of its citizens.

Our nation bleeds, we bleed, our children bleed and we can only start the healing through our reevaluated conscious actions of standing against misappropriation, embezzlement of our commonwealth and their agents. We should begin to demand that our government be accountable to us and those under the employment of the government be accountable in their service deliverables to the government and us.

The narrative of a country that advanced from its un-accountable past into a beautiful future of well planned development through accountability is for us to put in motion by our directional actions towards creating that desired nation.

Meet me on this journey, invite more of us that share same sentiment and together we shall become the lightening force to disperse the dark that has kept us captive over the year.

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