
The Glamour of Riding the Bullet

28 Feb, 2023 - By Ikenga Jonjude Okere

The nectar is a sugary fluid secreted within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals. It is also the chief raw material for the natural formation of honey. In the case of a vacuum in the domestic or wild breeding of flowers there will be an absence of the following or more; (1) the absence of flowers to secret nectar. (2) The elimination of effort in the trade ingenuity of insects as seen in the magical engineering of pollination. (3) The loss of directional effect of objective leadership in the multiplication and fruiting of flowers/plants. (4) The effective use of available raw material within a region in the manufacturing of processed products. (5) The creation of multiple jobs and auxiliary services as seen in the mining, transportation and processing of the nectar into natural formation of honey by the bees. (6) The consistency of a repeat mechanism to sustain the chain of developmental engineering as also seen in the daily repeat actions of the insects/bees in their natural duty of pollination, cross pollination in some cases and formation of honey for the benefit of man.

In all of the above, you would have identified the monumental mistakes that have kept us the people of the eastern region in gross deficiency of economic and job opportunities. You would have identified how we have fallen short in the consistency of developmental repeat mechanism that would have stimulated growth in our economy. You would have also felt the brunt of loss in directional and objective leadership which has created such a large vacuum that has gotten us to near failed state. In this obvious condition of a near failed state, you may have identified the grave frustration and acute impatience evident within the temperament of the masses. You may have also in the glamour of ridding the bullet spotted out the literal implementation of the biblical passage which emboldens the courage of the brave; “the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force”.

Remember, I said in the context above; literal implementation though other biblical advisory passages like “if your hand will lead you to sin, cut it off, or if your eyes will lead you to sin, pluck it out” are never implemented literally rather their objective meanings are sorted out for adequate direction.

So in our today’s burden; lacking of objective, directional and strategic leadership, we should understudy the trade ingenuity of insects/bees in their magical engineering of pollination and production of honey, fruits and food.  We should learn the developmental strategy of the bees in their creation of multiple jobs and auxiliary services as seen in their mining, transportation and processing of the nectar; a major raw material for the formation of honey. Also we should embrace the patience and discipline of conforming to the consistency of a developmental repeat mechanism in other to sustain the chain of economic growth revolution.

Let the emboldened courage of the brave be objective, strategic and directionally developmental. Let the leadership of the eastern region rise by depositing developmental-nectar that would be capable of drawing business men and investors into the region that will stimulate the desired economic growth, business and job opportunities within the region. 
Let the alliance of the progressive, light their touch and lead the way.

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